Going to my grandson's wedding brought back memories of our own wedding day. It may have been a grey misty day but for us the day was perfect. I made my own dress and others besides. Rationing made sure no one ate too much. Lack of money meant nothing was wasted. A weekend honeymoon in Buxton Derbyshire was enough, for we took a two week holiday in the Channel Islands later on when the bank balance had recovered. We lived in one room at my parent's house for three years (not recommended) because houses and flats were hard to come by and the Council Housing had a list that meant only those with several children and poor living conditions would ever get a home of their own. But we saved hard and eventually had a deposit for a house. How exciting that was. To add to our joy came an old car. The old motor bike (no springs in those days) had served us well but a car — no matter how old — was pure luxury. These two achievements had been worked and saved for, even so, we considered ourselves very lucky for we could now start a family!
Oh but what a worrying time we had the week before we married. My hubby fell ill and was in bed with a temperature and large lumps all over his body. But he made it to the church in time.
see Writing For Joy and Wrinkly Writers
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