Why do many women (and men) try to hold back the years? Why can’t we simply accept others and ourselves just as we are? Fear of being unloved and unwanted? Fear of losing respect and self-esteem. Fear that life’s journey is about to reach its destination? For certain, powder and paint, needle and thread can’t prevent that!
There are times when I ask myself ‘why bother any more?’ Why not give up and give in? Funerals, of friends and loved ones, get more frequent. ‘Wear and tear’ on body and soul doesn’t just start to show, it cries out to be heard!
We continually hear of the problems the young will face in the future to keep the ageing generation in care homes or looked after in their own homes. The figures are frightening. Add to this the dreadfully-real poverty in the world, the suffering from natural disasters, the suffering of those caught up in wars not of their making. The terrorism, but also the wickedness and the greed that makes terrorists out of downtrodden peoples.
You are never too old, or too young, to help make the world a better place to live. Wrinkles need not be a barrier to communication or to happiness.
(Photo on our wedding day — March 1953. Photo at our grandson's wedding 2010 — eyes dreadfully sore with all the flash photography, teeth not what they used to be, hair, what there is left blown by the wind! But my heart filled with the same joy!)